Univac Group India is one of the leading company of India having varied business interest. Established in the year 1997 by an experienced Mechanical Engineer-Enterpreneur Mr. Ashok Srivastav initially at Vatva Industrial Area, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) as partnership firm that converted into a private limited company in 2003 with its registered office at New Delhi. Univac manufacture and export large quantity of Acrylic, tubes, Acrylic rods and Acrylic display systems and Acrylic gravity dispansers.
Univac Group India is one of the fastest growing company that has been in business since 18 long years.
Cast Acrylic Tubes
Our comprehensive line of clear cast acrylic tubes comes in diameters that range from 1.250" to 27.625" in outside diameter. All tubes are highly polished, crystal clear, and manufactured to the most exacting specifications. The standard material is a clear ultraviolet absorbing acrylic that has a maximum continuous service temperature of 150° F.
Standard wall thickness of .125, .187, .250, .375, and .500 meter are available in most diameter tubes, but special walls are available on request.
All stock acrylic tubing is manufactured in nominal 2 foot lengths (random 24 inches).
We cut specified lengths for a 15% upcharge.
Univac maintains a large inventory of clear acrylic tubes that allows us to process your order immediately. After inspection, each tube is carefully packaged and labeled with a bar coded tag containing all specifications. It is then immediately entered into inventory to ensure that our customer service department has complete, up to the date information.

Univac Furncrafts Pvt. Ltd.
F-10, Industrial Area, Udyog Nagar, Rohtak Road, New Delhi,
Pin code - 110041, India
Contact : +91-11-4571 8480
contact : univacgroupindia@gmail.com
Tel : +91-11-4914 7858; Mob : +91-8130471841

" you dream we develop "
Works: J-1, Udyog Nagar, Industrial Area, Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041, India;
Tel: +91-11-4914 7858 / +91-11-4571 8480 / +91-11-4512 8932; Mobile & WhatsApp: +91-8130471841
Email: univacgroup@gmail.com Website: www.univacgroupindia.com